Lose Weight in Two Weeks - Can You Really Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks?

Diet Foods - Yuck!
People often wonder if it's really possible to lose 10 pounds in two weeks.  Can this be done safely - and perhaps even without starving yourself or feeling hungry?  Absolutely.  What you are about to learn about foods, counting calories and fad diets will blow you away.

Most people have been taught their entire lives that you have to count calories in order to lose weight.  While it is true that 3500 calories equals one pound of weight, many of the things we have been taught for decades are pure myths.  Below, you are going to learn a few secrets that will change the way you look at dieting forever.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks

1.  Forget counting calories, carbohydrates or fat grams.  When you reduce the number of calories you take in, your metabolism slows to compensate.  Food is "fuel" for your metabolism, so it is essential that you eat often for your metabolism to burn fat and calories efficiently.

2.  Fad diets.  Whether you call them fad diets or weight loss plans, there are many popular diets out there that offer you specially packaged meals, or even pre-packaged dinners you buy at the grocery store.  Number one, most of these "meals" do not have enough food in them to satisfy your hunger.  Number two, if you do lose all of the weight you want to lose, what will happen when you return to "real life", eating ordinary foods?  You will gain weight, pure and simple.

3.  Food is better than any diet pill or starvation diet.  You probably don't realize it, but certain foods, when combined in a certain way, increase the "fat burning" hormones in your body.  This means you metabolism fires on all cylinders, burning fat and calories like never before.  When you know how this "calorie shifting" works to keep your metabolism fooled so that it works efficiently around the clock, you will never have a weight loss problem again.

The most important thing you need to know is that you CAN eat the foods you love, and you do NOT have to feel hungry or deprived!  In fact, if you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, the secret is not to cut back on how much you eat at all . . . ready to learn the real secret?